Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Divine Favor: Haste

It's just like my animes.
I have a player that is using a cleric character in my current campaign, but is serving a god that isn't the vanilla healy/thundery type of god, so I decided to stat up some abilities for her, and we discussed maybe retconning her thunderbolt for a more sneaky-beaky type of ability, but meh, that's neither here nor there. Today, I'm statting a simple ability that just seems useful, and that is that. It is based on the Haste spell from GURPS Magic, which can be found on p.142.


The spell comes in levels and each level increases Basic Speed by 1, increasing move and dodge at the same time. Super straightforward. So this is divinity flavored, and will have that nearly ubiquitous 10% power modifier.
Speedy! (-10%): Basic Speed + 1(Divine, -10%) [18]
So that is what we inflict on another party member. So we write this out as an affliction then.
Haste (+120%): Affliction 1(HT; Advantage, Speedy!, +180%; Divine -10%; Melee Attack, Range C, -30%; Takes Extra Time, 2 Ready Maneuvers, -20%) [22]
I decided that a prayer type ability makes it feel like it should take extra time, so that's why I added it. If you like a leveled approach, you can go up to 2 additional levels, each additional level increases Basic Speed by an additional 1.00, and costs another 18 points.
As a completed write-up in Divine Favor format, it looks like:

Minor Haste

Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 6
Learned Prayer Cost: 5 points
Raises dodge and move by 1.
Statistics: Haste (+120%): Affliction 1(HT; Advantage, Speedy!, +180%; Divine -10%; Melee Attack, Range C, -30%; Takes Extra Time, 2 Ready Maneuvers, -20%) [22]

Moderate Haste

Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 8
Learned Prayer Cost: 8 points
Raises dodge and move by 2.
Statistics: Haste (+300%): Affliction 1(HT; Advantage, Speedy 2!, +360%; Divine -10%; Melee Attack, Range C, -30%; Takes Extra Time, 2 Ready Maneuvers, -20%) [40]

Major Haste

Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 10
Learned Prayer Cost: 12 points
Raises dodge and move by 3.
Statistics: Haste (+480%): Affliction 1(HT; Advantage, Speedy 3!, +540%; Divine -10%; Melee Attack, Range C, -30%; Takes Extra Time, 2 Ready Maneuvers, -20%) [58]

Other Thoughts and Closing

Though I specifically wrote this as a Divine Favor, converting it to Sorcery is no especial skin off my back, so I will. Speedy! doesn't change cost, the power modifier is just different. Haste as a spell though does change a bit. We take off the Takes Extra Time, and melee, and change the power modifier to Sorcery. The sorcery formatted writeup then looks like this:


Keywords: Buff, Leveled
Full Cost: 29 for level 1 + 18 points/additional level.
Casting Roll: None, Use Innate Attack (Gaze) to aim.
Range: 100 yards
Duration: 3 Minutes
The subject has its speed increased by 1 per each level.
Statistics: Affliction 1(HT; Advantage, Speedy!, +180%; Sorcery -15%; Fixed Duration, +0%; No Signature, +20%; Increased 1/2D, 10x, +15%) [30]

Say, does anyone know which book includes the Reduced Duration modifier? I saw it on Tanglefoot and was curious.


  1. Replies
    1. Maybe need to put that one on the backburner then. I do like Powers a bit, but never got Supers or Psionic.


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