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Considering its strengths and weaknesses, its placement in cave biomes in generation 1 seems like a freak accident of evolution. |
Inner Focus
In pokemon, this is immunity to flinching, which in GURPS is probably best represented as Immunity to stunning.
Dissecting the value of High Pain Threshold, I figure stunning to be an occasional hazard. Which makes this
Immunity To Stunning (Occasional)[10]
This is a bit difficult of a concept to stat up exactly as it is in Pokemon. I'll take it to mean "Ignores Force Field DR."
I think the easiest way to do this is to follow the advice in Thaumatology - Sorcery to convert the Penetrating Strike imbuement to an ability, but put a -30% limitation that it only works against Force Field DR. This ability is already on p. 16 of Thaumatology - Sorcery, but this version is 5 points cheaper at level 1, and each additional level is only 14 points instead. Price break is pretty weak, might as well just get Penetrating Weapon.
Leech Life
This is an attack where you absorb HP from an opponent to replenish yours. This is almost exactly the Vampiric Bite advantage from the Basic Set. Leech from Powers has a few options to give more control. Using that, it's probably best represented as:
Leech 7(Cosmic, no grapple required, +50%; Feature, Level to dice adds, +0%)[74]
This attack does damage and then stuns by way of a sudden shout. the Kiai skill in the Basic Set already matches the effect pretty well. Basically then, this ability might be thought of as the following perk:
Unusual Training (Kiai)[1]As well as the Kiai skill of course.
Air Cutter
This is a cutting attack that can hit multiple enemies and has a good chance of a critical hit. I think the best way to create this ability might be:
Cutting Attack 3d (Cone, 5 yards wide, +100%; Increased 1/2D, +15%; Link, +10%; PM, -10%; Reduced Range, 10 yards, -30%; Requires Recharge, 10 minutes, -10%;)[37] +
Ridiculous Luck (Active, -40%; Link, +10%; One Ability, Air Cutter, -80%)[12]Every ten minutes you can use this attack, which is a 10 yard cone, 5 yards wide. Against one target of your choice inside the cone, you may roll three times and take the best result.
Mean Look
In Pokemon, this stops an opponent from leaving the battlefield. The semantics are that the pokemon is too afraid to leave, but I prefer more of a taunting ability. This ability will inflict the disadvantage:
- Bad Temper (Auto-failure, magic)[-22]
This becomes a +22% as an enhancement to an affliction.
Mean Look
Keywords: Leveled
Full Cost: 27.7 points/level.
Casting Roll: None, roll innate attack to aim.
Range: 100 yards
Duration: 3 minutes
The "caster" stares down the target as if to challenge its dominance. The target then does whatever it can to attack the target, with no one being able to talk the target out of it. Additional levels penalize resistance.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (Will; Disadvantage, Mean Look Debuff, +22%; Fixed Duration, 3 minutes, +0%; Malediction 2, +150%; No Signature, +20%; Sorcery, -15%) [28]
Keywords: Leveled
Full Cost: 27.7 points/level.
Casting Roll: None, roll innate attack to aim.
Range: 100 yards
Duration: 3 minutes
The "caster" stares down the target as if to challenge its dominance. The target then does whatever it can to attack the target, with no one being able to talk the target out of it. Additional levels penalize resistance.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (Will; Disadvantage, Mean Look Debuff, +22%; Fixed Duration, 3 minutes, +0%; Malediction 2, +150%; No Signature, +20%; Sorcery, -15%) [28]
This is an attack that does a lot of damage if a pokemon is not carrying anything. Karate is a skill already penalized by encumbrance, so at it's simplest, this is Striking ST limited to Karate when carrying exactly 0 lbs of equipment.
Striking ST (Accessibility, 0 lbs Encumbrance, -20%; Karate Only, -20%;)[3/lvl]This should probably have no upper limit as it gives a huge damage bonus to the attack in question in Pokemon.
In pokemon, this removes all afflictions on all parties in the area. This is a special version of Healing in GURPS for afflictions only. This includes all buffs and debuffs, which is fine because that makes the math easier.
Keywords: Area(Fixed), Leveled, Obvious
Full Cost: 58.5 points for level 1. 15.5 points/level until level 6, 14 points for each additional level.
Casting Roll: IQ.
Range: 4 yard radius around the caster.
Duration: Instant
The "caster" emits a haze that removes all afflictions, for good or for bad, on friend and foe, in a 4 yard radius around the caster. Each level of the advantage may remove 100% worth of enhancements from everyone within range (technically, subtract 1% from that.).
Statistics: Healing (Affects Self, +50%; Afflictions Only, -40%, Area Effect, 4 yards, +100%; Capped, 2 FP, -25% Magic, -10%; Reduced FP cost, 1 FP, +20%; Reliable, only to remove penalties for removing afflictions, +5%) [59]
Notes: This is a complicated ability to improve. Each level you add 12 points for reduced FP 2, then you need to check p.51 of Powers to adjust the Capped limitation, which usually amounts to adding 1.5 points to the cost (but only up to level 6, at level 7 and beyond, it gets cheaper) Two extra levels of reliable are also needed solely for reducing penalties to IQ for removing afflictions, so that is 3 more points.
This does extra damage if the target is under the effects of poison in pokemon, or a toxic cyclic attack in GURPS. This could be thought of as
Striking ST 1 (Accessibility, Target has ongoing toxic cyclic damage, -20%)[4]
This is also pretty powerful in Pokemon, so there should be no upper limits on damage.
Air Slash
This is a strong cutting attack that has a chance of causing the target to flinch.
Keywords: Area(Fixed), Leveled, Obvious
Full Cost: 58.5 points for level 1. 15.5 points/level until level 6, 14 points for each additional level.
Casting Roll: IQ.
Range: 4 yard radius around the caster.
Duration: Instant
The "caster" emits a haze that removes all afflictions, for good or for bad, on friend and foe, in a 4 yard radius around the caster. Each level of the advantage may remove 100% worth of enhancements from everyone within range (technically, subtract 1% from that.).
Statistics: Healing (Affects Self, +50%; Afflictions Only, -40%, Area Effect, 4 yards, +100%; Capped, 2 FP, -25% Magic, -10%; Reduced FP cost, 1 FP, +20%; Reliable, only to remove penalties for removing afflictions, +5%) [59]
Notes: This is a complicated ability to improve. Each level you add 12 points for reduced FP 2, then you need to check p.51 of Powers to adjust the Capped limitation, which usually amounts to adding 1.5 points to the cost (but only up to level 6, at level 7 and beyond, it gets cheaper) Two extra levels of reliable are also needed solely for reducing penalties to IQ for removing afflictions, so that is 3 more points.
Notes: This is a complicated ability to improve. Each level you add 12 points for reduced FP 2, then you need to check p.51 of Powers to adjust the Capped limitation, which usually amounts to adding 1.5 points to the cost (but only up to level 6, at level 7 and beyond, it gets cheaper) Two extra levels of reliable are also needed solely for reducing penalties to IQ for removing afflictions, so that is 3 more points.
This does extra damage if the target is under the effects of poison in pokemon, or a toxic cyclic attack in GURPS. This could be thought of as
Striking ST 1 (Accessibility, Target has ongoing toxic cyclic damage, -20%)[4]This is also pretty powerful in Pokemon, so there should be no upper limits on damage.
Air Slash
This is a strong cutting attack that has a chance of causing the target to flinch.
Air Slash
Keywords: Leveled, Missile, Obvious
Full Cost: 9.1 points/level.
Casting Roll: None, use Innate Attack (Gaze) to aim.
Range: 100 yards
Duration: Instant
The "caster" creates a blade of air that can cause the opponent to be stunned.
Statistics: Cutting Attack 1d (Increased 1/2D, +15%; Sorcery, -15%; Symptom, Stunning, 1/3 damage, +30%) [10]
Notes: To emulate approximated game efficacy, level 4 seems appropriate.
Quick Guard
In Pokemon, this is invulnerability to a special class of priority ignoring abilities, but is difficult to use continuously. That's a tiny bit difficult, so I am going to make an ability that is similar but different. This ability is Injury Tolerance, 1/2 damage against all attacks that occur before the character's move. Figuring that the odds of someone having a higher speed than the caster is about 50:50 as casters don't necessarily need to be much faster or slower than other characters, this is a -20% accessibility limitation. So the advantage granted is:
Injury Tolerance (Half Damage, Accessibility, only against faster characters, -20%; Magic, -10%; Takes Recharge, twice as long as the advantage was on, -10%)[30]
Twice as long happens to be 12 seconds.
Keywords: Leveled, Missile, Obvious
Full Cost: 9.1 points/level.
Casting Roll: None, use Innate Attack (Gaze) to aim.
Range: 100 yards
Duration: Instant
The "caster" creates a blade of air that can cause the opponent to be stunned.
Statistics: Cutting Attack 1d (Increased 1/2D, +15%; Sorcery, -15%; Symptom, Stunning, 1/3 damage, +30%) [10]
Notes: To emulate approximated game efficacy, level 4 seems appropriate.
Quick Guard
In Pokemon, this is invulnerability to a special class of priority ignoring abilities, but is difficult to use continuously. That's a tiny bit difficult, so I am going to make an ability that is similar but different. This ability is Injury Tolerance, 1/2 damage against all attacks that occur before the character's move. Figuring that the odds of someone having a higher speed than the caster is about 50:50 as casters don't necessarily need to be much faster or slower than other characters, this is a -20% accessibility limitation. So the advantage granted is:
Injury Tolerance (Half Damage, Accessibility, only against faster characters, -20%; Magic, -10%; Takes Recharge, twice as long as the advantage was on, -10%)[30]
Twice as long happens to be 12 seconds.
Quick Guard
Keywords: Area(Leveled), Obvious
Full Cost: 48 points for level 1. 5 points for each additional level.
Casting Roll: IQ.
Range: 4 yard radius around the caster.
Duration: 6 seconds with a 12 second cool down.
The "caster" grants all friendly targets in the area around himself half damage from any threats that have a higher basic speed than the targets. This lasts for 3 minutes, after which point, the target of the boon may not receive it again for 6 minutes. At level 1, the radius is 4 yards, and each additional level doubles the radius. Potential targets within range may be excluded at will (eg, if they are enemies.)
Statistics: Affliction 1 (Will; Advantage, Quick Guard Buff, +300%; Area Effect, 4 yards, +100%; Based on Will, +20%; Emanation, -20%; Fixed Duration, 6 seconds, +0%; Reduced Duration, 6 seconds, -30%; Selective Area, +20%; Sorcery, -15%) [48]
Notes: This is a complicated ability to improve. Each level you add 12 points for reduced FP 2, then you need to check p.51 of Powers to adjust the Capped limitation, which usually amounts to adding 1.5 points to the cost (but only up to level 6, at level 7 and beyond, it gets cheaper) Two extra levels of reliable are also needed solely for reducing penalties to IQ for removing afflictions, so that is 3 more points.
Other Thoughts
I think it is kind of amusing that a lot of abilities were already completed when running through this list of moves. Guess I'm starting to get close to all of the standard faire poison and flying type attacks, and now dealing more with one-off signature abilities rather than a laundry list of all the typicals.
Keywords: Area(Leveled), Obvious
Full Cost: 48 points for level 1. 5 points for each additional level.
Casting Roll: IQ.
Range: 4 yard radius around the caster.
Duration: 6 seconds with a 12 second cool down.
The "caster" grants all friendly targets in the area around himself half damage from any threats that have a higher basic speed than the targets. This lasts for 3 minutes, after which point, the target of the boon may not receive it again for 6 minutes. At level 1, the radius is 4 yards, and each additional level doubles the radius. Potential targets within range may be excluded at will (eg, if they are enemies.)
Statistics: Affliction 1 (Will; Advantage, Quick Guard Buff, +300%; Area Effect, 4 yards, +100%; Based on Will, +20%; Emanation, -20%; Fixed Duration, 6 seconds, +0%; Reduced Duration, 6 seconds, -30%; Selective Area, +20%; Sorcery, -15%) [48]
Notes: This is a complicated ability to improve. Each level you add 12 points for reduced FP 2, then you need to check p.51 of Powers to adjust the Capped limitation, which usually amounts to adding 1.5 points to the cost (but only up to level 6, at level 7 and beyond, it gets cheaper) Two extra levels of reliable are also needed solely for reducing penalties to IQ for removing afflictions, so that is 3 more points.
Notes: This is a complicated ability to improve. Each level you add 12 points for reduced FP 2, then you need to check p.51 of Powers to adjust the Capped limitation, which usually amounts to adding 1.5 points to the cost (but only up to level 6, at level 7 and beyond, it gets cheaper) Two extra levels of reliable are also needed solely for reducing penalties to IQ for removing afflictions, so that is 3 more points.
Other Thoughts
I think it is kind of amusing that a lot of abilities were already completed when running through this list of moves. Guess I'm starting to get close to all of the standard faire poison and flying type attacks, and now dealing more with one-off signature abilities rather than a laundry list of all the typicals.
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