Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Ritual Path Magic: Some Path of Mind spells

The other kinda monk.
Continuing on the theme of Ritual Path Magic and monks, my player also has Path of Mind. So, I decided to try to think of one thematically appropriate spell for each of the verbs. Let's see what we can do when we flex that gray matter. Bonus, also includes Incantation Magic versions of most. One spell is incompatible with incantation magic.


Here's the spells in pairs again

Determine Intent

Spell Effects: Lesser Sense Mind
Inherent Modifiers: none
Greater Effects: 0 (1x)
You can tell when someone approaches you what they are intent to do at the most fundamental level. This might be a one word answer like, "help," "plead," or "attack."
Typical Casting: Lesser Sense Mind (2) + Range 200 yards (0). 2 energy (2x1).

Spell Effects: Sense Mesmerism
Inherent Modifiers: none
Skill Penalty: Path of Mesmerism - 0
Casting Time: 5 minutes
You can tell when someone approaches you what they are intent to do at the most fundamental level. 
Typical Casting: Sense Mesmerism (2) + Range 200 yards (0). 2 SP.


Spell Effects: Lesser Strengthen Mind
Inherent Modifiers: Altered Trait
Greater Effects: 0 (1x)
For 10 minutes, your will is increased by 3.
Typical Casting: Lesser Strengthen Mind (3) + Weight, 300 lbs (3) + Altered Trait, Will+3 (15) + duration, 10 minutes (1). 22 energy (22x1).

Spell Effects: Strengthen Mesmerism
Inherent Modifiers: Altered Trait
Skill Penalty: Path of Mesmerism - 2
Casting Time: 5 minutes
For 12 minutes, your will is increased by 3.
Typical Casting: Strengthen Mesmerism (3) + Weight, 300 lbs (3) + Altered Trait, Will+3 (15) + duration, 12 minutes (6). 27 SP.


Spell Effects: Greater Restore Mind
Inherent Modifiers: Injury
Greater Effects: 1 (3x)
Restore 1d FP as if you have just meditated.
Typical Casting: Greater Restore Mind (4) + Weight, 300 lbs (3) + FP Recovered, 1d, (0). 21 energy (7x3).

Recovery effects are verboten in Incantation Magic so there is no similar formula.


Spell Effects: Lesser Control Mind
Inherent Modifiers: Altered Trait
Greater Effects: 0 (1x)
You immediately exude a terrifying aura that petrifies your opponent. She rolls a fright check.
Typical Casting: Lesser Control Mind (5) + Weight, 300 lbs (3) + Altered Trait, Terror (30) + Range, 20 yards (6). 42 energy (42x1).

Spell Effects: Control Mesmerism
Inherent Modifiers: Altered Trait
Skill Penalty: Path of Mesmerism - 4
Casting Time: 5 minutes
You immediately exude a terrifying aura that petrifies your opponent. She rolls a fright check.
Typical Casting: Control Mesmerism (5)  + Weight, 300 lbs (3) + Altered Trait, Terror (30) + Range, 20 yards (6). 42 SP.

Destroy Inhibition

Spell Effects: Greater Destroy Mind
Inherent Modifiers: Altered Trait
Greater Effects: 1 (3x)
If your opponent cannot resist, they go berserk for 30 seconds.
Typical Casting: Greater Destroy Mind (5) + Weight, 300 lbs (3) + Altered Trait, Berserk (4) + Range, 20 yards (6) + Duration, 30 seconds (1). 57 energy (19x3).

Spell Effects: Destroy Mesmerism
Inherent Modifiers: Altered Trait
Skill Penalty: Path of Mesmerism - 2
Casting Time: 5 minutes
If your opponent cannot resist, they go berserk for 30 seconds.
Typical Casting: Destroy Mesmerism (5)  + Weight, 300 lbs (3) + Altered Trait, Berserk (4) + Range, 20 yards (6) + Duration, 30 seconds (2). 21 SP

Redirect Passion

Spell Effects: Lesser Transform Mind
Inherent Modifiers: Altered Trait x 2
Greater Effects: 0 (1x)
You change one obsession of the target into another obsession of your choice. This lasts for one day.
Typical Casting: Lesser Transform Mind (8) + Weight, 300 lbs (3) + Altered Trait, No obsession (10) + Altered Trait, Obsession (2) + Duration, 1 day (7) + Range, 20 yards (6) . 36 energy (36x1).

Spell Effects: Transform Mesmerism
Inherent Modifiers: Altered Trait x 2
Skill Penalty: Path of Mesmerism - 4
Casting Time: 5 minutes
You change one obsession of the target into another obsession of your choice. This lasts for one day.
Typical Casting: Transform Mesmerism (8) + Weight, 300 lbs (3) + Altered Trait, No obsession (10) + Altered Trait, Obsession (2) + Duration, 1 day (11) + Range, 20 yards (6). 40 SP

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